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We are craftsmen of the pages

In 2017, five independent professionals working in the field of publishing and graphics joined forces to create full and more coordinated services, in order to implement the creation of bigger graphic and editorial projects. This is how Ibidem was born: different competences with a long-standing publishing, editorial, and graphic experience. We are craftsmen of that “same place” where words and images are organized and find their completeness: the page.


Ibidem offers its customers a heterogeneous set of skills and sensibilities in the context of Desktop Publishing, i.e the set of procedures and techniques for the creation of layouts and the production of editorial products both on paper and/or on digital media.


Our services

Evaluation services

We offer a referral service for papers, academic articles, essays.

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Editorial services

We offer editing, revision, drafting and proofreading of texts, adapting them to the guidelines set out by publishers, magazines and companies.

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Production and graphic services

We offer accurate page-making, taking advantage of the best softwares availables.

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